To our greater Wayne Community. We wish to let you know that effective January 31, 2023, the Moores are retiring and closing our family funeral home. We want to thank everyone for allowing us to help you for over 120 years since our founding in 1902. Through the generations, it truly has been a privilege.
If you are visiting our site today to seek help with planning a funeral or perhaps looking for information, please use our regular phone number 973-694-0072 anytime for assistance during this transition.
Our website will continue to be online for the time being, but we would encourage those who visit here to read obituaries or post messages, to personally save anything sentimental offline to avoid possibly losing information in the future.
We want to thank you all for your understanding of our decision and wish all the best to you and your families. It has been said that the greatest gift we can ever give is the support we share with those who are grieving. It is our hope that even without our physical funeral home present, we all can continue to do that for each other every day.
God Bless and Godspeed,
The Moore Family